We are eagerly anticipating 马萨诸塞州海事网赌平台’s 181st 毕业典礼 Exercises on Saturday, 2024年6月22日. We are proud to announce that we will graduate 300 students in seven Bachelor of Science programs and 51 students in three Master of Science programs. 今年的毕业生代表是来自马萨诸塞州韦勒姆的杰西卡·格雷. Jessica will earn her undergraduate degree in Emergency Management and continue her studies as a graduate student in Switzerland.
除了表彰2024届毕业生的成就, the 马萨诸塞州海事网赌平台 community will also honor the four following individuals:
Evangelos米. 马里纳基斯是一位国际商人、投资者和慈善家. He first made his name in the shipping industry but has since invested in sports, 媒体, 消费服务, 绿色能源, 还有房地产. Evangelos米. Marinakis是Capital Maritime的创始人和主席 & 贸易公司. The Capital Group currently controls a fleet of 130 vessels, with an overall tonnage of 12.约500万吨(载重吨., across the tanker, container, LNG, LPG/Ammonia, LCO2, offshore, and dry bulk segments. The fleet under management includes the vessels of Nasdaq-listed Capital Product Partners L.P. (“成员国”). Mr. Marinakis has a successful track record of more than 30 years in shipping and capital markets having completed two IPOs and two major M&A transactions in the US markets and having grown the Capital companies throughout the shipping cycles. 作为奥林匹亚科斯足球俱乐部和诺丁汉森林足球俱乐部的老板. Marinakis has left an indelible mark in European football history with great Olympiacos victories, 赢得欧洲联赛冠军和欧洲青年联赛冠军. Mr. Marinakis在媒体领域也很活跃. Alter Ego Media是希腊最大的媒体集团, 完全集成, 在所有市场中占据领先地位:电视频道, 网站, 广播, 杂志, 报纸, 以及音像制品. Mr. Marinakis actively supports several charitable and cultural causes both in Greece and around the world, such as the "Miltiadis Marinakis Endowed Professorship for Modern Greek Language and Culture" at Ohio State University, 克里特岛的卡赞扎基斯博物馆, 联合国儿童基金会, a wide range of community and infrastructure projects across the port city of Piraeus and Crete.
State Senator Michael Rodrigues has served the First Bristol and Plymouth District of Massachusetts since 2010. 在2017-2018年期间, 他曾担任参议院多数党党鞭, 参议院道德委员会主席, 以及参议院选区重新划分委员会副主席. 2019-2020年立法会议, Senator Rodrigues was appointed as Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, 以及指导和政策委员会副主席. 作为筹款委员会主席, Senator Rodrigues championed improved access to justice within the Commonwealth. 具体地说, 支持改进法院技术的法案, 增加遗嘱认证及家事法庭的法官人数, 增加了民事和法律援助项目的拨款. Senator Rodrigues also sponsored a bill requiring Holocaust and Genocide education in all public middle and high schools in the Commonwealth. In recent years Senator Rodrigues has been instrumental in the restoration of art and culture both locally and in the Azores. He led the effort to bring the work of Azorean painter Domingos Rebêlo to the New Bedford Whaling Museum. He has worked with Jewish and non-Jewish Americans and Azoreans to restore the Sahar Hassamian Synagogue in Ponta Delgada, 葡萄牙亚速尔群岛的首都. He has been the recipient of numerous awards from local charitable organizations and was honored earlier this year as “Legislator of the Year” by the Massachusetts Bar Association. 网赌平台荣幸地授予参议员迈克尔·J. 罗德里格斯,公共管理荣誉博士.
After graduating from 马萨诸塞州海事网赌平台 as a Marine Engineer, Mr. Topalian joined Nucor in 1996 as a project engineer and was promoted to Production Supervisor in 1998. From 2002 to 2019 he held various leadership positions throughout Nucor’s global operation. 2019年9月. Topalian was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer of Nucor Corporation, 在1月1日, 2020年成为总裁兼首席执行官. He assumed the additional role of Chair of the Board of Directors on September 15, 2022. 疫情期间,作为首席执行官,他挑战了公司当时28岁的员工,让纽柯成为世界上最安全的钢铁公司. 结果是, the Nucor team’s vision of a safe work environment now includes the health and well-being of every team member. 随着种族骚乱的加剧,奥巴马总统. Topalian has initiated dialog to ensure every team member feels safe from any type or mark of discrimination. 这种“倾听”的承诺, 学习, understand and grow” will continue to shape the decisions that the company makes today and tomorrow. 除了担任纽柯公司董事会主席之外,他还担任公司董事. Topalian is currently Chairman of the World Steel Association’s Executive Board of Directors and serves on the Board of the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation. He previously served as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), on the Boards of Nucor-Yamato Steel Company and the American Institute of Steel Construction. 网赌平台荣幸地授予. 利昂·J.Topalian,工商管理荣誉博士学位.
Boston native Brigadier General Enoch “Woody” Woodhouse II has had a varied and distinguished career. 在美国入伍后.S. 1944年的陆军航空队, 他被分配到第332战斗机大队, 以著名的塔斯基吉飞行员而闻名. 塔斯基吉飞行员大约有16人,000 service members who served as the first Black aviators and support staff in U.S. 军事历史. He and the other Tuskegee Airmen received the Congressional Gold Medal for distinguished achievements and contributions, 乔治·W总统. 2006年的大选. 作为丈夫, 父亲, and alumnus of Yale and Boston University he practiced law in Boston for over 40 years. He further distinguished himself as a Department of State Diplomatic Courier in Europe, 中东, 1959年,他乘坐最后一班飞机离开哈瓦那. In 2022, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker appointed him to the State Militia with the rank of Brigadier General. Woody has been a longtime champion and advocate for veterans and military families throughout his life. 他的故事超越了他卓越的兵役经历, 体现了企业领导的灵感和无私的社区服务. 他的勇气, 毅力, and dedication serve as a beacon of hope and motivation for future generations. The Academy is proud to confer upon Brigadier General Enoch “Woody” Woodhouse II, 获得公共管理博士学位, 作为一种荣誉授予的.