Dean, Enrollment Management, Equity, and 包容 Chief 多样性 Officer
保罗·卡夫船长于1759年出生在卡蒂汉克岛. 一个被释放的奴隶和一个万帕诺亚格女人的儿子, he was a black and indigenous man who would go on to become Master Mariner, 捕鲸者, 成功的商人, 教育家和社区倡导者, 1817年去世前,他一直是一位慈善家和梦想家. 保罗·卡夫在当地留下了一笔遗产, 国家, and inter国家; rising to prominence at a time when it was all but impossible for a black and indigenous man to do so. That legacy of struggling for equality and justice continues to inspire us today as the namesake of our center.
Formerly known as the 马萨诸塞州海事网赌平台 Office of Intercultural Engagement, the 保罗·卡夫上尉包容中心’s mission is to create a community that makes excellence inclusive at the Academy. 通过促进多样性, 通过项目实现公平和包容, 活动和学生支持计划, we strive to foster a sense of belonging and a supportive environment for all by honoring the namesake of our center. We continue Captain Cuffe’s legacy of philanthropy, leadership, and social change.
Land Acknowledgement in honor of CAPT Cuffe and the Cuffe Family:
We, the CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for 包容 at 马萨诸塞州海事网赌平台, would like to acknowledge that our campus is located on the ancestral homeland of the Wampanoag nation, and pay our respects to members of Wampanoag community both past, 现在, 和未来的.
A land acknowledgement is a moment of 反射 to raise awareness of the indigenous communities which have existed on this land for thousands of years, 并继续这样做.
Through the vision and practice of inclusive excellence, the American Association of Colleges & 大学(AAC格式&U)呼吁高等教育解决多样性问题, 包容, 公平对民主文化的福祉至关重要. Making excellence inclusive is thus an active process through which colleges and universities achieve excellence in learning, 教学, 学生发展, 制度的功能, 参与当地和全球社区. 同样的, enhancing inclusive excellence is directly in line with the objectives of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Equity Agenda . Inclusive excellence must become a priority in all aspects of 马萨诸塞州海事网赌平台.
Education abroad and global learning are essential to cadet learning and the inter国家ization of our campus community. 从实践经验中学习, 出国留学, and inter国家 co-ops all play a vital role in promoting intercultural awareness, 全球的敏感性, 以及21世纪全球职场的就业准备.
The 偏见事件/教育支援小组(BEST) is made up of staff members from the CAPT Paul Cuffe Center, 学员部指挥官, 和第九条, 审查所有偏见事件报告, 就偏见问题对社区进行教育, 并在需要时提供纠正措施的建议. The BEST team encourages reports for observed or perceived bias incidents, 语句, 或者涉及学员的事件. All reports submitted to the link below will be reviewed by the BEST team.
偏见是先入为主的, 基于性别而对一个人或一个群体持消极态度, 性别认同, 性取向, 国家的起源, 比赛, 种族, 宗教, 或者能力水平, 或者其他受保护阶层.
在Bucs中没有偏见的余地. 如果有疑问,一定要提交一份报告. Holding ourselves accountable and looking after our shipmates is the only way to promote true belonging on campus.
With any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to email the CAPT Paul Cuffe Center at cuffecenter@chenshufen.com or visit the Office of Intercultural Engagement and ask to speak with a staff member.
安全港 is a campus-wide program to promote 包容 and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community on campus. To do so requires the support and participation of 学生, staff, and 教师.
Real Talk:一个开放的对话论坛
整个学期, the 保罗·卡夫上尉包容中心 offers spaces for 学生, 教师, 让员工以“公开对话的形式”聚在一起. The goal is to discuss current events and issues related to diversity, 股本, 以及社会的包容性.
与学生服务部合作, we are pleased to inform you of the return of the 精神生活 Space in the dorms to be used for the purpose of prayer, 反射, 和崇拜!
的空间, formerly known as the "Porthole Office" is located on the 3rd Co Company 00 deck near the courtyard side hatch. 以进入精神生活空间, 学生 must sign up at the link below and will be given access with the use of their ID card. 点击这里请求进入精神生活空间
To reserve the space for a specific meeting, services, ceremony, please email cuffecenter@chenshufen.com.
The CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for 包容 has established a 妇女联盟 that promotes wellness, 为校园女性赋权和建立网络. The coalition will meet once a month and create events that will promote support, 为女学员提供辅导及赋权. 网赌平台是任何由学生团体领导的女性项目的补充. This is a working group of primarily 教职员工 to discuss women's issues and further programming for the experience of women on campus, 学生, 教职员工. 网赌平台期待与学生社团合作, 以及妇女的项目和倡议,以实现共同的使命.